Honoring Blair Elise Strohmayer through Stillbirth Advocacy

On June 12th, 2020 our daughter, Blair Elise, was stillborn at 32 weeks and 5 days gestation. She represents one of the 23,000 babies born still in the United States every year (MacDorman and Gregory, 2015). We have since learned how vastly under-researched stillbirth is. Two-thirds of all stillbirth deaths remain unexplained (SCRN, 2011). Even still, a quarter of US stillbirths are preventable, and nearly half are at term. The United States of America ranks 48th out of 49 high income countries in their annual rate of reduction of stillbirth (UNICEF, 2020) (Flenady 2016). All countries involved in the study started with stillbirth rates that were the same or better than the US. If they can improve their rates, we can too.

To honor Blair, we choose to dedicate our finances and time to a stillbirth nonprofit, PUSH for Empowered Pregnancy. Their mission is to cut US stillbirth rates by 20% by the end of 2030, in half by 2050, and in time, eradicate all preventable stillbirths. Their vision is through partnerships with health providers and aggressive awareness campaigns, to empower every expectant family with the evidence-based medical care and education they need to advocate for a healthy pregnancy.

As Blair’s parents, we give regular contributions in the same way we would have contributed to her college education. We also invite others to contribute financially to the research being done in her name and for all children who are missed by their parents, families, and friends.

To give to PUSH in memory of Blair alongside us, visit PUSH’s donation page. Thank you for considering a memorial gift to this important cause, so that more families have a best chance in making it home safely together.

In closing, enjoy this video tribute in memory of Blair.

Sincerely Blair’s loving parents,

Nicholas and Maria Strohmayer

